The 2015 digital marketing jargon-buster is here
With well established marketing terms evolving on what seems like a weekly basis, our pals at sister title Econsultancy have put together a colossal digital marketing jargon-buster.
So if you want to decipher your “agile marketing” from your “native” or “real time bidding” – see examples below – visit Econsultancy for explanations of these and more.
Agile Marketing
Agile marketing is the practice of reacting quickly with a specially created piece of well-timed content, normally shared on a social media channel in order to capitalise on a currently trending topic or news-story.
Social has certainly contributed to this new breed of real-time marketing, and the ability to react quickly on social channels is important for brand awareness, customer service and to encourage engagement, however agility doesn’t necessarily have to be the sole preserve of social as you can see in these 23 nimble examples of agile marketing from ecommerce brands.
Native advertising
This is a method of advertising used by publisher websites where the content is meant to look like the articles it normally publishes, but they are in fact ads sponsored by third-party brands.
Publishers of these advertorials stress that these ads are not meant to trick the reader. The balance between creating paid content that fits into the house-style of the site and it being, by its very definition, an advert is a tricky accomplishment.
Real-time bidding (RTB)
Real-time bidding is used for serving internet users with display advertising around the internet.
As a webpage loads, if it has ad space on it that is available for real-time bidding, information about the webpage and the user viewing it is passed on to an ad exchange. An ad exchange is a platform that auctions off the available ad space to the highest bidder. The winning ad will then appear on the webpage when it has finished loading. These auctions are held in the milliseconds it takes for a webpage to load.