The death of digital is upon us

The phrase ‘digital marketing’ has gone the same way as ‘international marketing’ – into obsolescence. We have new tools to play with but the age-old principles of the discipline remain the same.

When I was a young professor stalking the corridors of American business schools there were certain courses you could rely on to be popular with MBA students: financial statement analysis, corporate strategy and international marketing. Yes, international marketing.

In the 70s, when the big US business schools started to expand, they realised that one of the biggest knowledge gaps for thirty-something American managers was how to leave a Boston or Chicago head office and operate successfully in another country. International marketing became a huge course for MBA students for that reason until a curious thing happened. A combination of globalisation, the internet, international business schools and the general emergence of the 21st century meant that international marketing became, well, marketing. By the time we reached the year 2000 it was almost impossible to imagine any business that wasn’t global in reach and operation. Business schools started to include real global cases studies across their syllabuses and the need for, and popularity of, an explicit course in international marketing dwindled to the point of obsolescence.

Diageo’s CEO Ivan Menezes got me thinking about all that again last week when he discussed his company’s rather impressive recent numbers. Diageo is one of the world’s more advanced marketing companies and so what Menezes said at the end of his analysis caught my attention. “It is not about doing ‘digital marketing’, it is about marketing effectively in a digital world,” he explained.

Bang! There it is. When we look back for the moment that the digital dodo was exposed I’ll bet a few experts will dredge up Menezes’ quote, blow off the dust, and cite it as a prescient moment in the death of digital. There are plenty of others making the same funereal comments, of course. Marc Pritchard, global brand officer at P&G, announced that the era of digital marketing ended in 2013. Similarly, Nissan’s CMO Roel de Vries has long looked forward to the day when the word ‘digital’ disappears and AMV BBDO’s CEO Ian Pearman has been asking clients to drop the D word for several years. Digital may not be dead yet, but they’ve started digging its grave.

Of course, it’s not a death, more a reincarnation or redistribution of energy. Digital has changed the world so much that it has become the world. Despite the occasional outlandish prediction in 2002 that the digital revolution would see off marketing and its oh-so-traditional organisational structures, the future turned out to be less exciting. Clients got over their new toy syndrome and realised that they only had one budget and one set of strategic objectives to service. They looked at their target customers who, as ever, were able to cross seamlessly back and forth between the digital world and the traditional one during their media consumption – often using both simultaneously. And agencies also started to change.

Smarter agencies worked out that ‘digital strategy’ had become about as attractive as a Y2K solution three weeks after the millennium. They swam upstream to the point that they departed the digital niche and entered the brave new world of integrated brand experience. SapientNitro, for example, might use the word ‘digital’ on its corporate home page but it’s future-proofed by powerful words like ‘connected’, ‘ecosystem’, ‘experience’ and ‘engagement’. Inside more traditional agencies, heads of digital strategy are binning their business cards after a 10-year stint because they know their job title has become an anachronism. They are back to doing strategy and are delighted.

Of course, you can bet that the hundreds of ‘digital strategists’ who sprang up over the past decade will not go as quietly into the night. They will rage against the dying of the digital light. Similarly, the world of marketing journalism, which has over-represented and over-protected digital marketing at the expense of the bigger strategic issues that CMOs are struggling with, will also need a reset.

Marketing has been changed, and changed utterly, by the digital deviation. At a tactical level our discipline is barely recognisable as the one that started the new century. But on the strategic plane, it is very much business as usual. We have fabulous new marketing tools to play with thanks to digital but the age old questions of marketing – insight, creativity, positioning, engagement and, ultimately, effect – remain as annoyingly elusive as ever.



There are 5 comments at the moment, we would love to hear your opinion too.

  1. Beto Ghidini 5 Aug 2015

    Three years ago when I moved from Brazil to the UK and I had the enjoyment of rounds and rounds and rounds, and more rounds of interviews with recruiters and creative agencies, the questions that inevitably came was ‘what is your experience in digital?’ My response was always ‘what exactly is digital?’. So naive I was. Hopefully, in the near future, things will be better for the ones with an open mind.

  2. Chris Green 6 Aug 2015

    Not sure I agree with ‘ Strategy is Back ‘ seems that agencies just want to pump as much of the clients money into Programmatic to simply earn more commissions ! An agency AD told me recently that their commissions had gone from around 15% to 40% due to lack of transparency to the client ! So Mark my question to you is – What kind of strategy is that ???

  3. BRAVO! Great article. I’ve been echoing the same for several years now, so much so, that I decided to take a break from my marketing career and focus on internal communications in biotech. I got fed up with the focus on digital marketing. Im so glad to see strategic integrated marketing making a comeback. It’s the way it should have always been.

  4. Amanda Thompson 7 Aug 2015

    What an excellent article ! As a student I am very interested in digital marketing but I was thinking to myself the other day that this way of marketing has to come to an end soon. There is so much digital marketing now it is hard to stand out and make a name for yourself or your brand. Anyone that has a digital platform can also be there own marketer so it also cheapens the way that marketing is used. Also as a student we are taught a lot about Digital marketing and platforms that are being used so this trend will not die slow but I understand that it is dying. I wish we were taught more on how to create effect content. I think that students we also need to be researching marketing trends on our own to be in the know and current with the trends. What do you think is the most important advice a new marketing student show know ? What have you regretted not know more about in the marketing world ?

  5. Congratulations for telling the truth. From the vantage point this morning of the city (Seattle) with the hottest demand for talent the term ‘digital’ means engineering. Technology is necessary to but does not define marketing as a coherent strategic and operational business function. As well as ‘international’ we have seen ‘direct’, ‘relationship’, ‘mobile’, ‘promotional’ and now ‘shopper’, ‘content’ and more. If any adjective is relevant I suggest we listen to the great Lester Wunderman. Lester conceived direct and relationship but now calls the future of marketing simply ‘personal’.

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