
Marketers and consumers split over mobile

Jonathan Bacon

Brands are getting better at meeting consumers’ expectations online, but marketers must adapt their digital skills according to the industry in which they work, new research suggests. The survey by Sitecore and Econsultancy of over 350 marketers and 1,100 consumers investigates the differences between what consumers want and what brands are delivering online. The research asked […]


There are 3 comments at the moment, we would love to hear your opinion too.

  1. Andres Silva O. 14 Apr 2015

    excellent article, like the idea of building a better future for our brands as unfortunately we see everyday how marketers take position and immediately start changing positionings..

  2. Andres Silva O. 14 Apr 2015

    where can we find more people, articles like these to create more buzz?

  3. Peter Cunningham 20 Apr 2015

    I think it is still relatively rare for CMOs to make MD, compared to say colleagues from finance (often with some banking background), sales or strategy (often with a stint at McKinsey etc.). But what is definitely true is that if a marketer is obsessive about understanding the customer and the entire customer experience across all touch points, including when dealing with the shop front, customer service etc. then they will be a better candidate to be an MD.

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