

There is one comment at the moment, we would love to hear your opinion too.

  1. Ian Hucklesby 29 Apr 2015

    A nice article Steve with a lot of interesting takeaways. I agree with all of your points around delivering relevant timely “content” to customers whatever form that content comes in – ads, articles, rich or textual, its a vital part of the future of marketing in general.

    Next to this, the delivery mechanism is key. I’ve had a lot of experience trying to engage with emerging markets whether its the emerging online market in the UK in 1995, or the African online market in 2015. What is common to both is that without the infrastructure to connect the brand to the consumer, both would not have/will not succeeded. In the UK in 1995 dial up modems limited data transfer and ultimately UX and it wasn’t until fast affordable broadband connectivity emerged that B2C e-commerce took off. Your Indian mobile stats are interesting. In West Africa broadband connectivity has been widely bypassed by the consumer simply because the landline infrastructure isn’t there and where it does exist its cost prohibitive. So consumers have skipped desktop and moved straight to mobile. Also with few households possessing a laptop or PC due to wealth (or lack of it) but most people owning a phone or smartphone, mobile is the natural line of least resistance in gaining consumer traction.

    Irrespective of the reasons why one platform accounts for the lions share of customer engagement, the user behind the keyboard or touch screen and understanding them cross channel/platform is essential.

    A key to success in any emerging market has, is, and will forever be using all the information at our disposal to choose the right delivery mechanism for our message. Those who can identify, understand, and act upon the big data available will be the winners for the click at what ever time or stage of the attribution funnel they preside.

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